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Classes and constructor functions to create box container widgets


Box(..., layout = NULL)

HBox(..., layout = NULL, wrap = FALSE)

VBox(..., layout = NULL, wrap = FALSE)

GridBox(..., layout = NULL)



Arguments passed to the superclass constructor


An optional layout widget


Logical value, whether lines of widgets should be wrapped?


VBox creates vertical boxes, HBox creates horizontal boxes, GridBox creates a grid box. In a vertical box widgets are arranged one below the other, in a horizontal box widgets are arranged side-by-side, in a grid box widget are arraned in a grid.


  • Box(): A baseline box constructor

  • HBox(): A horizontal box constructor

  • VBox(): A vertical box constructor

  • GridBox(): A grid box constructor

Public fields


Name of the Javascript module with the model


Version of the module where the model is defined


Name of the Javascript model in the frontend


Name of the Javascript model view in the frontend


Name of the module where the view is defined


Version of the module where the view is defined


A generic vector with the widgets in the container


The string that describes the button style

Super classes

RKernel::HasTraits -> RKernel::Widget -> RKernel::DOMWidget -> RKernel::Box -> HBox

Public fields


Name of the Javascript model in the frontend


Name of the Javascript model view in the frontend

Super classes

RKernel::HasTraits -> RKernel::Widget -> RKernel::DOMWidget -> RKernel::Box -> VBox

Public fields


Name of the Javascript model in the frontend


Name of the Javascript model view in the frontend

Super classes

RKernel::HasTraits -> RKernel::Widget -> RKernel::DOMWidget -> RKernel::Box -> GridBox

Public fields


Name of the Javascript model in the frontend


Name of the Javascript model view in the frontend