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contract() contracts data into pattern-frequency format, similar to a contatenation of table() (or xtabs) and Yet it uses much less memory if patterns are sparse, because it does not create rows for patterns that do not occur.


# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
contract(x,by=NULL, weights=NULL,name="Freq",,sort=FALSE,,...)
# S3 method for class 'data.set'
contract(x,by=NULL, weights=NULL,name="Freq",,sort=FALSE,,...)



an object of class "data.frame" or "data.set".


the formula or a vector of variable names (quoted or not quoted). Specifies the patterns (and optionally weights). If by is a formula, then the right-hand side specifies the variables the value patterns of which are counted. If the left-hand side of the formula is (the name of) a numeric vector, its values are used as weights (in which case the weights argument will be ignored.) If the left-hand side of the formula is (the name of) a factor, counts are computed in separate columns for each of its levels.


a numeric vector of weights or NULL.


a character string, the name of the variable that containts the frequency counts of the value patterns.

a logical value, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE and the left-hand side of by formula is a factor, the names of the columns with the counts are combinations of the labels of the factor levels and the argument of name; if FALSE, the column names are created from the labels of the factor levels only.


a logical value, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, the resulting data set is sorted by the variables that define the patterns. If FALSE, the row of the resulting data frame or data set are ordered according to the occurrence of the patterns.

a logical value, defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, patterns that involve NA are included in the resulting data frame or data set.


further arguments, passed to methods or ignored.


If x is a data fame, the value of contract() is also a data frame. If it is a "data.set" object, the result is also a "data.set" object.


iris_ <- sample(iris,size=nrow(iris),replace=TRUE)
w <- rep(1,nrow(iris_))
#>    Petal.Width    Species Freq
#> 1          0.2     setosa   29
#> 2          0.4     setosa    7
#> 3          0.3     setosa    7
#> 4          0.1     setosa    5
#> 5          0.5     setosa    1
#> 6          0.6     setosa    1
#> 7          1.4 versicolor    7
#> 8          1.5 versicolor   10
#> 9          1.3 versicolor   13
#> 10         1.6 versicolor    3
#> 11         1.0 versicolor    7
#> 12         1.1 versicolor    3
#> 13         1.8 versicolor    1
#> 14         1.2 versicolor    5
#> 15         1.7 versicolor    1
#> 16         2.5  virginica    3
#> 17         1.9  virginica    5
#> 18         2.1  virginica    6
#> 19         1.8  virginica   11
#> 20         2.2  virginica    3
#> 21         1.7  virginica    1
#> 22         2.0  virginica    6
#> 23         2.4  virginica    3
#> 24         2.3  virginica    8
#> 25         1.5  virginica    2
#> 26         1.6  virginica    1
#> 27         1.4  virginica    1
#>    Petal.Width    Species Freq
#> 1          0.1     setosa    5
#> 2          0.2     setosa   29
#> 3          0.3     setosa    7
#> 4          0.4     setosa    7
#> 5          0.5     setosa    1
#> 6          0.6     setosa    1
#> 7          1.0 versicolor    7
#> 8          1.1 versicolor    3
#> 9          1.2 versicolor    5
#> 10         1.3 versicolor   13
#> 11         1.4 versicolor    7
#> 12         1.5 versicolor   10
#> 13         1.6 versicolor    3
#> 14         1.7 versicolor    1
#> 15         1.8 versicolor    1
#> 16         1.4  virginica    1
#> 17         1.5  virginica    2
#> 18         1.6  virginica    1
#> 19         1.7  virginica    1
#> 20         1.8  virginica   11
#> 21         1.9  virginica    5
#> 22         2.0  virginica    6
#> 23         2.1  virginica    6
#> 24         2.2  virginica    3
#> 25         2.3  virginica    8
#> 26         2.4  virginica    3
#> 27         2.5  virginica    3
#>    Petal.Width    Species Freq
#> 1          0.1     setosa    5
#> 2          0.2     setosa   29
#> 3          0.3     setosa    7
#> 4          0.4     setosa    7
#> 5          0.5     setosa    1
#> 6          0.6     setosa    1
#> 7          1.0 versicolor    7
#> 8          1.1 versicolor    3
#> 9          1.2 versicolor    5
#> 10         1.3 versicolor   13
#> 11         1.4 versicolor    7
#> 12         1.5 versicolor   10
#> 13         1.6 versicolor    3
#> 14         1.7 versicolor    1
#> 15         1.8 versicolor    1
#> 16         1.4  virginica    1
#> 17         1.5  virginica    2
#> 18         1.6  virginica    1
#> 19         1.7  virginica    1
#> 20         1.8  virginica   11
#> 21         1.9  virginica    5
#> 22         2.0  virginica    6
#> 23         2.1  virginica    6
#> 24         2.2  virginica    3
#> 25         2.3  virginica    8
#> 26         2.4  virginica    3
#> 27         2.5  virginica    3
#>    Petal.Width    Species Freq
#> 1          0.1     setosa    5
#> 2          0.2     setosa   29
#> 3          0.3     setosa    7
#> 4          0.4     setosa    7
#> 5          0.5     setosa    1
#> 6          0.6     setosa    1
#> 7          1.0 versicolor    7
#> 8          1.1 versicolor    3
#> 9          1.2 versicolor    5
#> 10         1.3 versicolor   13
#> 11         1.4 versicolor    7
#> 12         1.5 versicolor   10
#> 13         1.6 versicolor    3
#> 14         1.7 versicolor    1
#> 15         1.8 versicolor    1
#> 16         1.4  virginica    1
#> 17         1.5  virginica    2
#> 18         1.6  virginica    1
#> 19         1.7  virginica    1
#> 20         1.8  virginica   11
#> 21         1.9  virginica    5
#> 22         2.0  virginica    6
#> 23         2.1  virginica    6
#> 24         2.2  virginica    3
#> 25         2.3  virginica    8
#> 26         2.4  virginica    3
#> 27         2.5  virginica    3
#>    Petal.Width    Species Freq
#> 1          0.2     setosa   29
#> 2          0.4     setosa    7
#> 3          0.3     setosa    7
#> 4          0.1     setosa    5
#> 5          0.5     setosa    1
#> 6          0.6     setosa    1
#> 7          1.4 versicolor    7
#> 8          1.5 versicolor   10
#> 9          1.3 versicolor   13
#> 10         1.6 versicolor    3
#> 11         1.0 versicolor    7
#> 12         1.1 versicolor    3
#> 13         1.8 versicolor    1
#> 14         1.2 versicolor    5
#> 15         1.7 versicolor    1
#> 16         2.5  virginica    3
#> 17         1.9  virginica    5
#> 18         2.1  virginica    6
#> 19         1.8  virginica   11
#> 20         2.2  virginica    3
#> 21         1.7  virginica    1
#> 22         2.0  virginica    6
#> 23         2.4  virginica    3
#> 24         2.3  virginica    8
#> 25         1.5  virginica    2
#> 26         1.6  virginica    1
#> 27         1.4  virginica    1
#>      Species Freq
#> 1     setosa   50
#> 2 versicolor   50
#> 3  virginica   50

#>      Infl      Type Cont Low Medium High
#> 1     Low     Tower  Low  21     21   28
#> 2  Medium     Tower  Low  34     22   36
#> 3    High     Tower  Low  10     11   36
#> 4     Low Apartment  Low  61     23   17
#> 5  Medium Apartment  Low  43     35   40
#> 6    High Apartment  Low  26     18   54
#> 7     Low    Atrium  Low  13      9   10
#> 8  Medium    Atrium  Low   8      8   12
#> 9    High    Atrium  Low   6      7    9
#> 10    Low   Terrace  Low  18      6    7
#> 11 Medium   Terrace  Low  15     13   13
#> 12   High   Terrace  Low   7      5   11
#> 13    Low     Tower High  14     19   37
#> 14 Medium     Tower High  17     23   40
#> 15   High     Tower High   3      5   23
#> 16    Low Apartment High  78     46   43
#> 17 Medium Apartment High  48     45   86
#> 18   High Apartment High  15     25   62
#> 19    Low    Atrium High  20     23   20
#> 20 Medium    Atrium High  10     22   24
#> 21   High    Atrium High   7     10   21
#> 22    Low   Terrace High  57     23   13
#> 23 Medium   Terrace High  31     21   13
#> 24   High   Terrace High   5      6   13

#>      Infl      Type Cont housing.Low housing.Medium housing.High
#> 1     Low     Tower  Low          21             21           28
#> 2  Medium     Tower  Low          34             22           36
#> 3    High     Tower  Low          10             11           36
#> 4     Low Apartment  Low          61             23           17
#> 5  Medium Apartment  Low          43             35           40
#> 6    High Apartment  Low          26             18           54
#> 7     Low    Atrium  Low          13              9           10
#> 8  Medium    Atrium  Low           8              8           12
#> 9    High    Atrium  Low           6              7            9
#> 10    Low   Terrace  Low          18              6            7
#> 11 Medium   Terrace  Low          15             13           13
#> 12   High   Terrace  Low           7              5           11
#> 13    Low     Tower High          14             19           37
#> 14 Medium     Tower High          17             23           40
#> 15   High     Tower High           3              5           23
#> 16    Low Apartment High          78             46           43
#> 17 Medium Apartment High          48             45           86
#> 18   High Apartment High          15             25           62
#> 19    Low    Atrium High          20             23           20
#> 20 Medium    Atrium High          10             22           24
#> 21   High    Atrium High           7             10           21
#> 22    Low   Terrace High          57             23           13
#> 23 Medium   Terrace High          31             21           13
#> 24   High   Terrace High           5              6           13