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Annotations, that is, objects of class "annotation", are character vectors with all their elements named. Only one method is defined for this subclass of character vectors, a method for show, that shows the annotation in a nicely formatted way. Annotations of an object can be obtained via the function annotation(x) and can be set via annotation(x)<-value.

Elements of an annotation with names "description" and "wording" have a special meaning. The first kind can be obtained and set via description(x) and description(x)<-value, the second kind can be obtained via wording(x) and wording(x)<-value. "description" elements are used in way the "variable labels" are used in SPSS and Stata. "wording" elements of annotation objects are meant to contain the question wording of a questionnaire item represented by an "item" objects. These elements of annotations are treated in a special way in the output of the coodbook function.


# S4 method for class 'ANY'
# S4 method for class 'item'
# S4 method for class 'data.set'
annotation(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'ANY,character'
annotation(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'ANY,annotation'
annotation(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'item,annotation'
annotation(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'vector,annotation'
annotation(x) <- value

description(x) <- value

wording(x) <- value

# S4 method for class 'data.set'
# S4 method for class 'importer'
# S4 method for class 'data.frame'
# S4 method for class 'tbl_df'



an object


a character or annotation object


annotation(x) returns an object of class "annotation", which is a named character. description(x) and wording(x) each usually return a character string. If description(x) is applied to a data.set or an importer object, however, a character vector is returned, which is named after the variables in the data set or the external file.


vote <- sample(c(1,2,3,8,9,97,99),size=30,replace=TRUE)
labels(vote) <- c(Conservatives         =  1,
                    Labour                =  2,
                    "Liberal Democrats"   =  3,
                    "Don't know"          =  8,
                    "Answer refused"      =  9,
                    "Not applicable"      = 97,
                    "Not asked in survey" = 99
missing.values(vote) <- c(97,99)
description(vote) <- "Vote intention"
wording(vote) <- "If a general election would take place next tuesday,
                    the candidate of which party would you vote for?"
#> description:
#>      Vote intention
#> wording:
#>      If a general election would take place next tuesday, the candidate of
#>      which party would you vote for?
annotation(vote)["Remark"] <- "This is not a real questionnaire item, of course ..."
#> ================================================================================
#>    vote 'Vote intention'
#>    "If a general election would take place next tuesday, the candidate of which
#>    party would you vote for?"
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>    Storage mode: double
#>    Measurement: nominal
#>    Missing values: 97, 99
#>    Values and labels              N Valid Total
#>     1   'Conservatives'           9  33.3  30.0
#>     2   'Labour'                  6  22.2  20.0
#>     3   'Liberal Democrats'       6  22.2  20.0
#>     8   'Don't know'              1   3.7   3.3
#>     9   'Answer refused'          5  18.5  16.7
#>    97 M 'Not applicable'          2         6.7
#>    99 M 'Not asked in survey'     1         3.3
#>    Remark:
#>        This is not a real questionnaire item, of course ...