Means for groups of observations
The function Means()
creates a table of group
means, optionally with standard errors, confidence intervals, and
numbers of valid observations.
Means(data, ...)
# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
by, weights=NULL, subset=NULL,
se=FALSE, ci=FALSE, ci.level=.95,
counts=FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for class 'formula'
Means(data, subset, weights, ...)
# S3 method for class 'numeric'
Means(data, ...)
# S3 method for class 'means.table', row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, drop=TRUE, ...)
# S3 method for class 'xmeans.table', row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, drop=TRUE, ...)
- data
an object usually containing data, or a formula.
is a numeric vector or an object that can be coerced into a data frame, it is changed into a data frame and the data frame method ofMeans()
is applied to it.If
is a formula, then a data frame is constructed from the variables in the formula andMeans
is applied to this data frame, while the formula is passed on as aby=
argument.- by
a formula, a vector of variable names or a data frame or list of factors.
is a vector of variable names, they are extracted fromdata
to define the groups for which means are computed, while the variables for which the means are computed are those not named inby
is a data frame or a list of factors, these are used to defined the groups for which means are computed, while the variables for which the means are computed are those not inby
is a formula, its left-hand side determines the variables of which means are computed, while its right-hand side determines the factors that define the groups.- weights
an optional vector of weights, usually a variable in
.- subset
an optional logical vector to select observations, usually the result of an expression in variables from
.- default
a default value used for empty cells without observations.
- se
a logical value, indicates whether standard errors should be computed.
- ci
a logical value, indicates whether limits of confidence intervals should be computed.
- ci.level
a number, the confidence level of the confidence interval
- counts
a logical value, indicates whether numbers of valid observations should be reported.
- x
, a result ofMeans()
.- row.names
an optional character vector. This argmument presently is inconsequential and only included for reasons of compatiblity with the standard methods of
.- optional
an optional logical value. This argmument presently is inconsequential and only included for reasons of compatiblity with the standard methods of
.- drop
a logical value, determines whether "empty cells" should be dropped from the resulting data frame.
- ...
other arguments, either ignored or passed on to other methods where applicable.
An array that inherits classes "means.table" and "table". If
was called with se=TRUE
or ci=TRUE
then the result additionally inherits class "xmeans.table".
# Preparing example data
USstates <-
USstates <- within(USstates,{
region <- state.region
name <-
abb <-
division <- state.division
USstates$w <- sample(runif(n=6),size=nrow(USstates),replace=TRUE)
# Using the data frame method
#> , , = Murder
#> region
#> division Northeast South North Central West
#> New England 3.383333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.400000
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000
#> , , = Murder
#> region
#> division Northeast South North Central West
#> New England 3.383333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.400000
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000
#> Mean
#> Murder 7.378
#> region Murder
#> Northeast 4.722222
#> South 10.581250
#> North Central 5.275000
#> West 7.215385
# Using the formula method
# One 'dependent' variable
Means(Murder~1, data=USstates)
#> Mean
#> Murder 7.378
Means(Murder~division, data=USstates)
#> division Murder
#> New England 3.383333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.400000
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000
Means(Murder~division, data=USstates,weights=w)
#> division Murder
#> New England 3.334936
#> Middle Atlantic 8.463128
#> South Atlantic 10.412793
#> East South Central 11.897595
#> West South Central 10.889880
#> East North Central 8.667188
#> West North Central 3.677417
#> Mountain 7.380093
#> Pacific 6.525287
Means(Murder~division+region, data=USstates)
#> , , = Murder
#> region
#> division Northeast South North Central West
#> New England 3.383333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.400000
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000
#>, data=USstates))
#> division region Murder
#> 1 New England Northeast 3.383333
#> 2 Middle Atlantic Northeast 7.400000
#> 12 South Atlantic South 9.775000
#> 13 East South Central South 12.300000
#> 14 West South Central South 10.475000
#> 24 East North Central North Central 7.780000
#> 25 West North Central North Central 3.485714
#> 35 Mountain West 7.187500
#> 36 Pacific West 7.260000
# Standard errors and counts
Means(Murder~division, data=USstates, se=TRUE, counts=TRUE)
#> , , Statistic = Mean
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 3.3833333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000
#> East South Central 12.3000000
#> West South Central 10.4750000
#> East North Central 7.7800000
#> West North Central 3.4857143
#> Mountain 7.1875000
#> Pacific 7.2600000
#> , , Statistic = SE
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 0.4475241
#> Middle Atlantic 1.7691806
#> South Atlantic 0.9151015
#> East South Central 1.0189864
#> West South Central 1.5040916
#> East North Central 1.4287757
#> West North Central 1.0411597
#> Mountain 0.8565791
#> Pacific 1.4968634
#> , , Statistic = N
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 6.0000000
#> Middle Atlantic 3.0000000
#> South Atlantic 8.0000000
#> East South Central 4.0000000
#> West South Central 4.0000000
#> East North Central 5.0000000
#> West North Central 7.0000000
#> Mountain 8.0000000
#> Pacific 5.0000000
drop(Means(Murder~division, data=USstates, se=TRUE, counts=TRUE))
#> Statistic
#> division Mean SE N
#> New England 3.3833333 0.4475241 6.0000000
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000 1.7691806 3.0000000
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000 0.9151015 8.0000000
#> East South Central 12.3000000 1.0189864 4.0000000
#> West South Central 10.4750000 1.5040916 4.0000000
#> East North Central 7.7800000 1.4287757 5.0000000
#> West North Central 3.4857143 1.0411597 7.0000000
#> Mountain 7.1875000 0.8565791 8.0000000
#> Pacific 7.2600000 1.4968634 5.0000000, data=USstates, se=TRUE, counts=TRUE))
#> division Variable Mean SE N
#> 1 New England Murder 3.383333 0.4475241 6
#> 2 Middle Atlantic Murder 7.400000 1.7691806 3
#> 3 South Atlantic Murder 9.775000 0.9151015 8
#> 4 East South Central Murder 12.300000 1.0189864 4
#> 5 West South Central Murder 10.475000 1.5040916 4
#> 6 East North Central Murder 7.780000 1.4287757 5
#> 7 West North Central Murder 3.485714 1.0411597 7
#> 8 Mountain Murder 7.187500 0.8565791 8
#> 9 Pacific Murder 7.260000 1.4968634 5
# Confidence intervals
Means(Murder~division, data=USstates, ci=TRUE)
#> , , Statistic = Mean
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 3.3833333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000
#> East South Central 12.3000000
#> West South Central 10.4750000
#> East North Central 7.7800000
#> West North Central 3.4857143
#> Mountain 7.1875000
#> Pacific 7.2600000
#> , , Statistic = Lower
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 2.2329361
#> Middle Atlantic -0.2121697
#> South Atlantic 7.6111289
#> East South Central 9.0571304
#> West South Central 5.6883091
#> East North Central 3.8130827
#> West North Central 0.9380882
#> Mountain 5.1620124
#> Pacific 3.1040410
#> , , Statistic = Upper
#> Variable
#> division Murder
#> New England 4.5337305
#> Middle Atlantic 15.0121697
#> South Atlantic 11.9388711
#> East South Central 15.5428696
#> West South Central 15.2616909
#> East North Central 11.7469173
#> West North Central 6.0333404
#> Mountain 9.2129876
#> Pacific 11.4159590
drop(Means(Murder~division, data=USstates, ci=TRUE))
#> Statistic
#> division Mean Lower Upper
#> New England 3.3833333 2.2329361 4.5337305
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000 -0.2121697 15.0121697
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000 7.6111289 11.9388711
#> East South Central 12.3000000 9.0571304 15.5428696
#> West South Central 10.4750000 5.6883091 15.2616909
#> East North Central 7.7800000 3.8130827 11.7469173
#> West North Central 3.4857143 0.9380882 6.0333404
#> Mountain 7.1875000 5.1620124 9.2129876
#> Pacific 7.2600000 3.1040410 11.4159590, data=USstates, ci=TRUE))
#> division Variable Mean Lower Upper
#> 1 New England Murder 3.383333 2.2329361 4.533731
#> 2 Middle Atlantic Murder 7.400000 -0.2121697 15.012170
#> 3 South Atlantic Murder 9.775000 7.6111289 11.938871
#> 4 East South Central Murder 12.300000 9.0571304 15.542870
#> 5 West South Central Murder 10.475000 5.6883091 15.261691
#> 6 East North Central Murder 7.780000 3.8130827 11.746917
#> 7 West North Central Murder 3.485714 0.9380882 6.033340
#> 8 Mountain Murder 7.187500 5.1620124 9.212988
#> 9 Pacific Murder 7.260000 3.1040410 11.415959
# More than one dependent variable
Means(Murder+Illiteracy~division, data=USstates)
#> division Murder Illiteracy
#> New England 3.3833333 0.9166667
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000 1.1666667
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000 1.5000000
#> East South Central 12.3000000 1.9500000
#> West South Central 10.4750000 2.0000000
#> East North Central 7.7800000 0.8000000
#> West North Central 3.4857143 0.6285714
#> Mountain 7.1875000 0.9500000
#> Pacific 7.2600000 1.1400000, data=USstates))
#> division Murder Illiteracy
#> 1 New England 3.383333 0.9166667
#> 2 Middle Atlantic 7.400000 1.1666667
#> 3 South Atlantic 9.775000 1.5000000
#> 4 East South Central 12.300000 1.9500000
#> 5 West South Central 10.475000 2.0000000
#> 6 East North Central 7.780000 0.8000000
#> 7 West North Central 3.485714 0.6285714
#> 8 Mountain 7.187500 0.9500000
#> 9 Pacific 7.260000 1.1400000
# Confidence intervals
Means(Murder+Illiteracy~division, data=USstates, ci=TRUE)
#> , , Statistic = Mean
#> Variable
#> division Murder Illiteracy
#> New England 3.3833333 0.9166667
#> Middle Atlantic 7.4000000 1.1666667
#> South Atlantic 9.7750000 1.5000000
#> East South Central 12.3000000 1.9500000
#> West South Central 10.4750000 2.0000000
#> East North Central 7.7800000 0.8000000
#> West North Central 3.4857143 0.6285714
#> Mountain 7.1875000 0.9500000
#> Pacific 7.2600000 1.1400000
#> , , Statistic = Lower
#> Variable
#> division Murder Illiteracy
#> New England 2.2329361 0.6167655
#> Middle Atlantic -0.2121697 0.6495522
#> South Atlantic 7.6111289 1.0807969
#> East South Central 9.0571304 1.3617494
#> West South Central 5.6883091 0.8748353
#> East North Central 3.8130827 0.6758336
#> West North Central 0.9380882 0.5126359
#> Mountain 5.1620124 0.3990592
#> Pacific 3.1040410 0.4343240
#> , , Statistic = Upper
#> Variable
#> division Murder Illiteracy
#> New England 4.5337305 1.2165679
#> Middle Atlantic 15.0121697 1.6837812
#> South Atlantic 11.9388711 1.9192031
#> East South Central 15.5428696 2.5382506
#> West South Central 15.2616909 3.1251647
#> East North Central 11.7469173 0.9241664
#> West North Central 6.0333404 0.7445070
#> Mountain 9.2129876 1.5009408
#> Pacific 11.4159590 1.8456760
#>, data=USstates, ci=TRUE))
#> division Variable Mean Lower Upper
#> 1 New England Murder 3.3833333 2.2329361 4.5337305
#> 2 Middle Atlantic Murder 7.4000000 -0.2121697 15.0121697
#> 3 South Atlantic Murder 9.7750000 7.6111289 11.9388711
#> 4 East South Central Murder 12.3000000 9.0571304 15.5428696
#> 5 West South Central Murder 10.4750000 5.6883091 15.2616909
#> 6 East North Central Murder 7.7800000 3.8130827 11.7469173
#> 7 West North Central Murder 3.4857143 0.9380882 6.0333404
#> 8 Mountain Murder 7.1875000 5.1620124 9.2129876
#> 9 Pacific Murder 7.2600000 3.1040410 11.4159590
#> 10 New England Illiteracy 0.9166667 0.6167655 1.2165679
#> 11 Middle Atlantic Illiteracy 1.1666667 0.6495522 1.6837812
#> 12 South Atlantic Illiteracy 1.5000000 1.0807969 1.9192031
#> 13 East South Central Illiteracy 1.9500000 1.3617494 2.5382506
#> 14 West South Central Illiteracy 2.0000000 0.8748353 3.1251647
#> 15 East North Central Illiteracy 0.8000000 0.6758336 0.9241664
#> 16 West North Central Illiteracy 0.6285714 0.5126359 0.7445070
#> 17 Mountain Illiteracy 0.9500000 0.3990592 1.5009408
#> 18 Pacific Illiteracy 1.1400000 0.4343240 1.8456760
# Some 'non-standard' but still valid usages:
#> , , = Murder
#> region
#> division South North Central West
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000
#> , , Murder
#> Northeast South North Central West
#> New England 3.383333
#> Middle Atlantic 7.400000
#> South Atlantic 9.775000
#> East South Central 12.300000
#> West South Central 10.475000
#> East North Central 7.780000
#> West North Central 3.485714
#> Mountain 7.187500
#> Pacific 7.260000